Wednesday 7 March 2012

Review on Arrietty

Review on The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)

The Secret World of Arrietty

The film Arrietty is based on the popular books by Mary Norton, which is quoted in a review by Linda Cook. 'That's because this version from Studio Ghibli, whose other delightful films include "Ponyo" and "Spirited Away," is based on those books by Mary Norton. The award-winning books have been family favorites since the 1950s.' (Cook, 2012) The film's mild nature is aimed at a younger audience with bright colours and fantasies where there are hidden areas where these little people live which sparks the imagination of many children, as mentioned by Margot Harrison in a review. 'The Ghibli adaptation, directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi and cowritten by Miyazaki, appeals directly to kids' fantasies about living in secret spaces authority figures can't access.' (Harrison, 2012) 

Arrietty and the Cat

The reason it mainly aims at a younger audience is because Disney helped release it to western viewers. If it wasn't for this the film may have taken on a darker more adult theme, as Daniel M. Kimmel explaines. 'The beauty of the work is apparent, but in being released by Disney the film has gone through an adaptation process and it's impossible to know without seeing the original what was lost or changed.' (Kimmel, 2012)


List of Illustrations

Figure 1. Yonebayashi, Hiromasa (2010) The Secret World of Arrietty [Poster] At: (Accessed on: 07.03.12)

Figure 2. Yonebayashi, Hiromasa (2010) Arrietty and the Cat [Screen cap] At: (Accessed on: 07.03.12)

Figure 3. Yonebayashi, Hiromasa (2010) Arrietty [Screen cap] At: (Accessed on: 07.03.12)


Harrison, Margot (2012) The Secret World of Arrietty (Accessed on: 07.03.12)

Kimmel, Daniel M. (2012) Review - The Secret World of Arrietty (Accessed on: 07.03.12)

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